On behalf of ICF Next
From June 22 until June 25 2020, the EU Sustainable Energy Week took place. Because of COVID-19, the event couldn’t be live, so the European Commission decided to organize EUSEW, for the first time, fully virtual.
This was the first big digital event for the European Commission. ABBIT was happy to support this event technically. The Abbit team started in April 2020 with the first concepts. Only six weeks later, we were ready to go. What was on the program? An opening session, an award session, a debate with the ambassadors, all offered in 5 different languages and 3 parallel sessions, divided over 3 days.
Our client, ICF Next, had around 20 people onsite, next to the ABBIT technicians and project managers. Of course, everyone took into account the social distancing rules. All three command centers (one per stream) were located in the ABBIT PFL studios at Würth International Meeting and Event Centre (WIMEC). A beautiful summer sun, sustainability, being a hot topic, a large event, web and production team, WIMEC’s air-conditioning (and its internet network!) had to do some extra hours!
Other ABBIT and PFL customers, local media, they all stopped by to take a look at ABBIT’s state-of-the-art set-up with its many preview monitors, laptops, green screen studio and live stream screens. Thank you ICF Next for this unique experience and wonderful cooperation!