⭐️ What a remarkable journey it has been!
In just a span of 14 days, the ABBIT Team orchestrated a remarkable kick-off event for the ALDE Party “Renew Europe Now” campaign at the esteemed Art & History Museum Brussels.
The headphones from Silent Seminars have become a rising star at many events, and with their new partnership with ABBIT, they are now easily available for rent throughout Europe. Kevin spoke with Duncan Strain and Evelien Aernaudts to discuss the significance of this collaboration and how it will benefit you.
🤝 ABBIT, member of the PFL Group, is the European partner for Silent Seminars !
Come and see us in action at the IMEX trade show seminar rooms.
Too much action? 😊 Coffee & more await you at stand E760.
Bis bald! Evelien Aernaudts, Duncan Strain and the ABBIT- IMEX gang
On Rare Disease Day, we are enormously grateful that the ABBIT team could contribute again to the success the 2023 EURORDIS Black Pearl Awards event and the 35th Workshop of the EURORDIS Round Table of Companies (ERTC).
For the second year in a row, ABBIT Meeting Innovators, member of the PFL Group, supported the SME Assembly 2022, hosted by the Czech Presidency in Prague and facilitated by the European Commission DG GROW.
Are you the AV Project Manager we are looking for? Join our team!
ABBIT assists worldwide companies in producing meetings, conferences and events.
Good Morning Filip,
I hope you have managed to enjoy a restful weekend since arriving back from Lyon. I’m writing to send a massive thank you for all your hard work, expertise, support, and attention to detail before and during AMEE & Ottawa 2022.
This week, at AMEE Lyon 2022 & OTTAWA Lyon 2022 conference, 4.500 participants (in-person and online) from 87 countries experienced the fabulous ABBIT-team in perfect sync with the wonderful Seren Events Team!
The ABBIT-team looks back at an incredible 40th birthday event!
We keep on celebrating, IMEX, is our next stop.
Thanks Evelien… it was a mammoth effort and your technical team was amazing… keeping on focus and dealing with a lot of last minute details. I enjoyed working with the team.
Dear Evelien,
We were very happy with how the meeting went and we also received positive feedback from the speakers and our client.